About Me

Certified Skin Specialist
Skin by Shehla Khan is a state-of-the-art skin clinic committed to serving its esteemed clients in a serene, calm and professional environment.

Certified Skin Specialist
Led by Shehla Khan, a highly personable & dedicated Skincare Specialist with her extensive knowledge & experience in beauty solutions, the clinic has been bringing in the newest of technologies and product lines in skincare and beauty.
Shehla is a certified Electrologist from Sterex Electrolysis International UK. With a profound experience of 8 years serving in the beauty industry of Pakistan, she has been accredited by Guinot Institut Paris as their skincare educationist in Pakistan. Along with her education in skincare, she maintains an experience in training & educating youth towards skincare, managing vast salon clientele nationwide, along with discovering new advancements into the salon industry and coaching salons on building their innovative approach.
She is now the official distributor of Dermaquest and Esthemax in Pakistan, and believes in bringing in more innovations to the beauty industry of Pakistan.